Why Do you Keep Playing WildStar?

There have been negative reviews on WildStar game and some players quit. But some players still keep playing the game. So this page will list several reasons collected from the community to show why players keep playing this game.

WildStar: Protostar's Gala Winterfest is Coming

From 10am December 18 to 10am January 1, you are able to join Protostar's Gala Winterfest to celebrate the most profitable of seasons. By helping out Protostar, players earn currency.

How To Level Up Fast in WildStar

Leveling can be a pretty daunting job in any MMO game, and unfortunately WildStar suffers from a similar fate. This page will gonna give you several tips to level up fast.

iwildstargold: Halloween BIG Promotions - Up to 15% Discount

To celebrate our 2016 Halloween, we're having a special discounted promotion on all products. Follow the step, join us for a Big Halloween Weekend, you'll get up to 15% coupon discount code.

Pokemon GO Is Now Known to Every Household

Pokemon GO is the new free-to-play mobile game developed by Niantic. Any person born in the 90’s will see Pokemon GO and immediately be drawn into it. Simply put, Pokemon GO has a genius hook: use your cell phone to examine the world around you to find and capture Pokemon (Here is the Pokedex).

iwildstargold:Leveling Experience Get More Changes in Warlords of Draenor

In Warlords of Draenor, all of the stats have been squished and experience gain was no exception. Blizzard got rid of high numbers and values and lowered them instead. The latest beta build, increased the XP required to hit a certain level by 30%, for each level from 89 up to 99.

iwildstargold:Get Free WoW Power Leveling Discount Code

You may get trouble in buying wow power leveling for high price but you will get cheap wow power leveling from the following wow power leveling promotions info:

iwildstargold: Who looking for a good route to enable them to make some extra gold

This article is Anhrez's patented 30 minute loop through Auroria for mid-level Dominion players who looking for a good route to enable them to farm/make some extra gold.
Displaying 109-116 of 116 results.