ESO DLC Horns Of The Reach Will Be Released For PS4 And Xbox One Soon

The first DLC of The Elder Scrolls Online has been released since the launch of ESO: Morrowind in June. The DLC Horns of the Reach introduces two new and incredible dungeons: Falkreath Hold and Bloodroot Forge.

2K Sports Have Published A New MyTEAM Trailer For NBA 2K18

2K Sports and Visual Concepts present us a trailer and numerous details about the new features of the MyTEAM mode in the upcoming basketball simulation "NBA 2K18".

Players Were Forced To Endure Log-in Queues In FFXIV

Final Fantasy XIV patch notes have been posted a lot, such as patch 4.1. Players have been getting excited about the new raids. Today Square Enix hinted at a possible version of Final Fantasy XIV for the Nintendo Switch, which would be huge. Everyone on the Final Fantasy XIV team loves this specific console, be sure to know more information, read more at here.

The Elder Scrolls Online: New Horns Of The Reach Addition

The Elder Scrolls Online allows you to test free all available add-ons and ESO Plus membership for Sunday. The creators in turn announce the news that will hit in August with the add-on - Horns of the Reach.

Stormblood Expansion New Features And A Selection Of Changes

The Stormblood expansion is about to unveiled on June 20 release date, which includes an increased level cap, new areas, new dungeons, a high level, new jobs as well as expanded item inventory. It's seems to that best supplier of Final Fantasy XIV Gil is in-game indispensable.

The Elder Scrolls Online Blacksmithing Tips On Leveling

As one of several professions in The Elder Scrolls Online, Blacksmithing allows players to create heavy armor and different weapon using steel and other materials.

DOFUS TOUCH: Farmer Leveling Guide

Farmer, one of the hardest professions to level up, but have the highest return on their investment later. The work of a farmer is spending half his time in harvesting cereals in the fields and the other half grinding them to make flour for the baker offering the highest price.

Albion Online Update: Beta Testing Extended

Albion Online, Most of Albion players are eagerly waiting its release, It will be launched in March 2017, on the game's official forum, a brief post informs players that while beta testing has been going well.

By Gathering Resources In Albion Online: How To Do Better

At present, Albion focus is being centred on player freedom, it allows players to build and claim their own island, by collecting resources, they can use or sell their craft items.

Dofus Touch Tips: The Location Of Learning Trades

In Dofus Touch, it is possible to learn trades in order to make recipes and make many objects. It is necessary to learn a craft to unlock all the recipes and creations of corresponding objects.

Albion Online: How To Create A Better Balance

In order to create a better balance between new players as well as veterans and PvP and PvE players, the world has already been reworked. Nonetheless, currently, the team is working on changing the world. Since the developers have extremely special requirements to this. It's not hard to imagine how many players are about to buy cheap albion online gold.

Albion Online Next Spells And Abilities

On Albion Online, In order to bring a certain variety to the powers of character, for some developers, they continue to enrich the panel of spells as well as other skills. In addition to this, among the upcoming additions, at the height of their inflamed imagination, the holders of a two-handed fire stick will be able to throw a fireball, in particular, as the Flame Orb attack will hit all opponents on its way. Be sure take note that cheap albion online gold for sale.
Displaying 97-108 of 116 results.